Monday, May 5, 2014

Goodbye Congleton! (5/5 email)

Big news! I'm finally leaving Congleton... mixed emotions. I will really miss it! The Congleton ward will always have a special place in my heart. I bore my testimony in church yesterday and cried my eyes out! Oh it was so hard to say goodbye!
Where am I going you ask? To WALES! I will be serving in Rhyl with Sister Campbell from Canada. She is a great missionary, and I am excited for this next chapter of my mission!
I have loved every minute serving with Sister Tolman. She is one of my closest friends and I know that Heavenly Father put us together at the right time in our lives J
We had a breakthrough with Paul this week. I was prompted to share Jeffrey R Hollands talk "like a broken vessel" with him, and we watched it together at the Moss' home. The spirit was really strong, and Paul was filled with a new desire and motivation and committed to give up the things holding him back! He is working towards being baptised on the 7th of June!
Claire and Natasha are progressing very well. I just love them so much! Claire is just a sponge and soaks up everything! She came to the missionary fireside with us and loved every minute of it! She even said she would like to get up and speak there after she is baptised!
I went on exchange in Wrekin with Sister Hansen. Sister Hansen was the first sister I ever went on exchange with, and it was nice to be with her again. We gave a chapel tour to a couple of their investigators, and it was a great experience. When we were in the chapel, i know that they felt the spirit. That experience really helped me to see how chapel tours can make a big difference in the progression of investigators. It helps them to feel more comfortable when they do come to church.
We taught Sascha on friday night, and it was the best lesson we've had with her. The spirit was so strong, and we all got a bit emotional with the thought of it possibly being the last time we taught her.  We talked about baptism, and Sascha told us that she really wants to be baptised... it's just her parents that wont let her. We reassured her that God understands her situation and knows the desire of her heart and she will be blessed for her obedience. I just love her... I have no doubt that when the time is right she will be baptised.
We had tea at the Windsors house saturday night and it was so great. The girls made us thankyou cards and bracelets and it was so sweet! It is such a great feeling knowing that you've made a difference in someone's life. I am so grateful for the privilege and blessing it has been to teach them and help them make covenants with God.
My heart is full. Sometimes I don't feel worthy of the many blessings Heavenly Father has given and continues to give to me. It is truly wonderful.
Thanks for your support.
Pray for opportunities to share the joy that you have with others.

xoxo Sister Riley.

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