Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rhyl good (28/5 email)

It's ok! I'm still alive! It was a bank holiday yesterday so we couldn't email... I know you're all just dying to hear what I've been up to this week :P
It's been a slow week, with lots of rain, but still lots to smile about.
Thursday was definitely a highlight, we had a multi-zone mission activtity in Manchester. There was training from President, a BBQ lunch, a talent show followed by a relay activity.... oh and mail!

I just love getting together with all the other missionaries! I was especially excited to be reunited with Sister Tolman :D I just want to say how much I love President Preston (and his wife). He is so loving, funny, optimistic and motivating. I just love him! I always feel better after being around him. He leaves next month :( The new Mission President is from Utah, and he will have big shoes to fill.
I am coming to realise that Rhyl is a bit of a rough area, but I know that there are people here that are being prepared. Every rejection brings us closer to that person who is ready to receive the gospel! I am determined to find them! We found a few new investigators that unfortunately dropped us, but that's just how it goes sometimes! Just planting seeds :P
The Rhyl ward is great though, such a solid group of saints! I love them already J We had tea at the Williams' home, and Sister Williams CRACKED ME UP!! I'm telling ya she is hilarious! She's about 80 yrs old and just says exactly what she's thinking. After our spiritual thought she was like 'ok! now get out, I wanna eat some food!' hahaha! She told me that the Australian accent is the worst one in the whole world! I couldn't stop laughing, I love her!
I went on exchange with Sister Jordan from Illinois, and she is so chill! Sometimes it bothers me how sister missionaries can be a bit fake and over the top and all that. Not Sister Jordan, she says it how it is. I love that. We had a great exchange, and she helped me with some of the things I was struggling with :) We met some solid people too, and taught some good on the spot lessons.
We got our conference edition of the ensign, and I'm LOVING IT! Seriously, if you're not already, read a talk each day. Heavenly Father answers our prayers, comforts and directs us through the conference talks.
We had a district meeting today, and it was all about focusing on our purpose... what is our purpose in one word? BAPTISM! that's what it's all about! I am so keen to get out there and help people receive the gospel through faith, repentance and BAPTISM! Oh and if you haven't seen it already, look up the video BECAUSE OF HIM it is sooooo good! it gets me so pumped!!! ahhh! the church is true!
Quote of the week:
teenage boy, looking at our badges:
"Soo you work for Jesus?"
Love you all!
xoxo Sister Riley

Sister Tolman and me at the activity
My companion, Sister Campbell

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